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You can find my QueryManager form here.

I ask you submit a query letter and a 10 page sample of your work. I am reading consistently right now, but please give me a grace period of 8 weeks for queries and 14 weeks for full submissions.

If you do not hear from me by these times, please know that this isn't a pass! BookEnds agents respond to every query. Sometimes my inbox gets flooded or my client workload takes priority. Feel free to send along a nudge on QueryManager, I don't mind! Just please know that I'm working hard to get back to everyone.

A general rule of thumb, if you think we would be a good match, just query me! Shoot your shot. Please don't reach out to me via email or on Twitter and ask if I would like your book or not before querying.

I do not take queries or submissions via email unless I explicitly ask.

Want to Work Together?

If you would like to collaborate on a project, pitch an event to me, ask about conferences or giveaways, or check to see if I am available for a panel, please send me a message with the details! 

You can reach me at or check out my Twitter page to get updates and connect with me there for any digital events or contests.

How to Submit to Me

If you have a question about one of the authors I rep, please check out my portfolio page to see the latest news on book deals and publications.

If you would like to get in touch with me about working with an author, asking one of my authors for a blurb, or other business inquiries please email me.

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