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I'm Looking for a Literary Fellow!

Hello there, I am super excited to share that I'm looking for a literary fellow to learn from me this early winter/spring.

What exactly does that mean? Well, honestly, there's a lot of flexibility here, but I'll be as transparent as possible. I spent so much of my early career (if you can even call it that. I once only wrote freelance and ate grilled cheese every day for weeks) searching for learning opportunities and experience in publishing that just wasn't offered to me in school. I struggled with having to find my own resources and pick through the internet for how to do basic things I was just never taught. I didn't have a whole lot of mentorship or guidance, and I noticed how little that sort of support was for people who weren't already in publishing. So, when I got the opportunity to be secure and in a solid place, I knew I wanted to lift others up along the way.

As an associate literary agent, I have access to networks and experiences that are oftentimes kept private and not easily accessible. I'd like to open that up. I'm looking to bring on a literary fellow who would like to spend the next few months with me, learning alongside me, meeting people within the industry, and developing projects with me and one of their own. This is meant to be educational, engaging, and a healthy place for someone to explore and experiment with the role they might like to be in in the future.

This is not an internship or a part-time job. This relationship is meant to work with you and your goals. You do not work for me. As I work on special projects within the agency, you will collaborate with me, but learning and practice is at the forefront.

Overview of What You Would Get From Me:

  • Hands on and direct experience within a literary agency. You would get the opportunity to read through and observe my approach to proposal letters from my authors, watch how the author/agent relationship is maintained, and receive networking opportunities with editors through remote calls.

  • Experience with project development with mediums such as podcasting and blogging.

  • Monthly professional development opportunities with industry professionals, such as BookEnds President Jessica Faust. These calls/seminars would range from looking at agenting and editorial to marketing and publicity.

  • Support and preparation for entering the job market. We would collaborate on cover letter approaches, resume design, and creating a solid network of connections.

What You Are Expected to Do:

  • Discuss with me, at the beginning of our time together, what your specific goals are and create, with me, actionable ways we can begin to start those foundations.

  • Pitch and develop a single project that will serve as your "capstone" of sorts. No, this isn't school, but the goal is to give you the resources and space to develop a larger project that can propel you in your career afterwards.

  • Communicate with me and commit to a weekly time for learning and helping me with project development.

  • Maintain a professional relationship with myself and everyone you meet through this role. I'm big on not crossing boundaries.

  • Come open minded, prepared to do research, and will follow through during the duration of our time together.

This is a remote opportunity and we will communicate via Zoom, phone calls, WhatsApp, or whatever is best for both of us. The fellow will work with me through May 31, 2021.

Honestly, I'm looking to continue to do this, so this sort of inaugural fellow is going to help me by telling me what they truly hope for when it comes to mentorship. We will learn together and I vow to support and hear you.

A few things I'm specifically looking for in a partnership:

I am a mixed race Black woman. I am vocal about my intention to advocate for and champion marginalized voices and work. I do not work with neo-nazis, white supremacists, fascists, or passive racists.

I want someone who genuinely has an interest in working with me and potentially my team as well. We should all enjoy our time together.

I am annoyingly personable, energetic, and optimistic. It's okay if you are the Ron Swanson to my Leslie Knope, BUT I need someone with drive, creativity, and is a self-starter. I teach and also agent full time, so I cannot feel as though I'm on top of you to communicate all the time.

Okay, if you are interested in applying, click this link here:

Applications are open until January 20th by midnight PST.

Because of the nature of the applications, I will only reach out to people I would like to set up a call with. Emails for interviews will go out by end of the day January 24th.

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